How to keep your computer equipment in good health?

Most computer or laptop users focus on maintaining their device’s software, such as updating antivirus software or even making sure computer updates are running. regularly and correctly. While this is a great practice to help keep your computer at its best, it is also important to take care of the hardware i.e. computer parts. Whether you are Apple or Apple alternatives A computer user, you need to maintain their hardware if you want your big investment to be one-time and worth it in the long run.

Photo by Dan Cristian Pădureț from Pexels

However, some people think that you have to be an expert computer scientist to take care of the hardware. This is not entirely true. There are a few simple tips you can follow to help keep your computer hardware healthy, as mentioned in this article. Read on!

Shut down your computer frequently

All dust and debris can collect in the tiny parts of your computer hardware and clog ports and fans, which can prevent your computer from running efficiently and even shorten your computer’s life over time. .

If you are a computer user, you can easily get your hands on a fan, open up your PC, and blow air into the internal parts of your computer. Just make sure not to touch any part of the processor as this may damage it.

For laptop users, blowing air into internal pieces of hardware can be a bit frustrating as you have to take all the parts apart on your laptop. You can search for a tutorial on YouTube to help you take apart your laptop precisely. If this job is too hard for you, you can always get professional help.

Don’t always charge your laptop

If you want to extend the battery life of your laptop, it’s important not to leave it plugged in around the clock. Constant charging can heat up the batteries and therefore strain them, which can damage them over time.

It is ideal to charge your laptop as soon as the battery percentage drops to 40% and let it charge until it reaches 100%. However, you should not overload it.

Refrain from eating or drinking near your computer

If you eat near your computer, food particles can get stuck in the keyboard and it can be difficult to remove them. With all the liquid substances, the situation becomes even worse for a laptop. Since all of the important components of a laptop are located right under the keyboard, any liquid can seep in and damage them.

It can cost you around $ 300 in case the motherboard gets damaged, and in some cases you may need to replace the entire computer.

Clean the wiring

All the wiring on the back of your computer can cause unnecessary clutter and clutter in your room. In addition to this, it can also cause strain on the ports of the computer when pulled, which can significantly affect the functionality of the computer parts.

Therefore, you can invest in a practical and economical solution such as a cable reel or even a professional cable solution technician can offer you a tailor-made solution.

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