Decisive manufacturer returns and does not reduce SSD warranty because of Chia


Chia is a modern cryptocurrency that has become popular because it is green and uses less energy. But also because it can be extracted via HDD and SSD. But this posed a problem for some record manufacturers. In response, they ended up lowering the warranty of their products used for this purpose.

Recently, a decisive builder was about to follow suit. But the brand regrets it and will not change the warranty of its crypto-mining SSDs.


Despite its already huge popularity, many cylinder makers are concerned about the amount of equipment purchased to mine cryptocurrency in Chia. Accordingly, the brands GALAXY e PNY I have already started reducing the warranty of the SSD hard drives used in this practice.

Crucial is going back and not reducing your SSD warranty for chia extraction

a Important It is an American company owned by the manufacturer Micron and dedicated to the production of SSDs and memory drives. Like the examples above, this brand has also been interested in increasing the use of disks to mine Chia cryptocurrency.

In this sense, the company has made some changes to the warranty policy of its products. As a result, he added, "Using Crucial SSDs for any type of cryptocurrency mining will void the warranty." Crucial also noted that any damage caused by mining will void the warranty, stating that this also applies to SSDs already in use.

However, the site team Tom's devices This information cannot be found on the brand's website and blog. Therefore, he contacted Crucial for clarification, who replied that the warranty had not changed and that "any confusion resulting from the blog post was entirely accidental."

But the site saved a file page file Where you can see the original warranty changes for Crucial SSDs.

Therefore, from the above information, it appears that the intention of the manufacturer was to void the warranty of its products if they were used for mining.

But if we visit Crucial's current blog page Dedicated to this subject, we have verified that the company has withdrawn all information regarding the reduction of warranty in mining problems.

According to the company, "All SSDs have a 3 or 5 year warranty, depending on the model, and a maximum of terabytes written (TBW) depending on capacity, whichever comes first."

Should manufacturers reduce the warranty on discs used in chia extraction?

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